Friday, February 19, 2010

Wonton Noodle Soup

I made wonton noodle soup to celebrate Chinese New Year last weekend. It was a long process as I tend to make 80-100 wontons in one go and freeze them in small containers (10 wontons/pack). These supplies will be very useful during busy days when I don't have time to cook or not in the mood of cooking. I usually feel so exhausted after wrapping 80-100 wontons but it is worthwhile to do so.

People add different ingredients in their wontons. Mine has minced pork, prawn, shiitake mushroom, garlic, spring onions and coriander. This is my mum's version. Very simple and tasty!
Ingredients (for 80-100 wontons):
  • 500 gr minced pork
  • 500 gr prawns
  • 15 dried shiitake mushrooms (soaked in water overnight)
  • 5 cloves of garlic
  • half bunch spring onions (cut thinly)
  • half bunch coriander (cut thinly)
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 0.5 tsp white pepper
  • 1tbs sesame oil
  • 1 tbs tapioca starch
  • 2 packs of wonton skins 
 Noodle soup (for 2 people):
    • half pack of egg noodle
    • 1 tsp hondashi powder
    • 2 cups of water
    • 5 tbs chicken stock
    • salt and pepper (based on taste)
    Peel and de-vein prawns. Wash and drain them. Cut into small segments (1 cm long).
    Put garlic and shiitake mushrooms into food processor. Process until they are cut into small pieces.
    Add all ingredients together (except wonton skins). Mix well.
    Add 1 tsp of wonton filling in the centre of wonton skin. Wet with small amount of water along the edges and fold into a triangle. Wet two triangle corners and meet them together (as shown in the picture).
    Boil egg noodle based on instructions given on packet. Serve noodle in the bowl and garnish with spring onion and coriander leaves.
    Boil wonton for 7 mins with a small amount of oil added to it. Drain and wash with cold water quickly to prevent wonton sticking together.
    Prepare the noodle soup. Add any green veggies once the soup is boiling. Finally, wonton noodle soup is now ready to serve!

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