Thursday, March 4, 2010

Agedashi (Deep Fried Tofu in Stock)

Another recipe from Taste of Japan by Masaki Ko that was tried recently. I honestly struggled with the timing of deep-frying tofu and ended up with a few of slightly tanned tofu cubes. It didn't really matter after all as everyone seemed to enjoy this entree. The presentation with red pepper and asparagus really made me feel like Christmas.

Thanks to the lady in Korean grocery shop downstairs for helping me to find an instant dashi stock. I brought my recipe book along to the store and funnily, forgot to bring my wallet. D'oh!! She gave me so many suggestions and choices. I followed what she thought was the best and the easiest way. In my opinion, this is what a high quality grocery store is supposed to be. The price is reasonable and they are willing to help us anytime.

 Ingredients (for 4 entrees):
  • 1 pack firm tofu
  • 4 asparagus spears (trimmed of tough stalk ends)
  • a small piece of red pepper (cut into little cubes)
  • cornflour for coating
  • oil for deep frying
  • 200 ml instant dashi ( I used 5 tbs concentrated dashi diluted in water to 1/3 cup)
  • 1/4 cup mirin
  • 1/4 soy sauce


Cut the asparagus into 3-4 cm pieces. Heat water in a small pot with a pinch of salt and oil. Boil asparagus for 2 minutes. Drain and wash with cold water.

Wrap tofu in a paper towel on a plate and cook in microwave for 1 minute to remove excess water.

Cut tofu into 12 cubes.

Slowly heat the oil for deep frying. Remove excess water in tofu using a paper towel.
Coat the tofu with cornflour.

Deep fry tofu until golden (7-10 mins) and it should expand once it is cooked. Drain well.

Boil the sauce, then simmer for 3 mins. Place 3 tofu cubes on each small plate and arrange asparagus. Sprinkle the red pepper cubes around tofu. Pour on the hot sauce. Ready to serve.

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